Stanford UniversityDepartment of Aeronautics & AstronauticsAerospace Computing Laboratory

"flo" codes*

This series of codes has been developed since 1970 for progressively more complex models of fluid flow, 
more complex geometric configurations, and more advanced algorithms.  Some highlights are listed below
1970  flo 1, 2 solution of 2D potential flow by conformal mapping
  syn 1 solution of inverse problem by conformal mapping (Lighthill's method)
1971-3 flo 6 2D transonic potential flow (rotated difference scheme)
1975 flo 22 first transonic potential flow solution for a swept wing (co-author D. Caughey)
  -first used for the wing design of the Canadair Challenger, later marketed as XFLO 22 by the Dutch NLR, still in use today at Boeing, Long Beach
1977 flo 27 3D potential flow in general grid with trilinear isoparametric elements (incorporated in Boeing A488 software)
1979 flo 36 multigrid solution of 2D transonic potential flow in 3-10 (.06 sec. on IBM T30 laptop)
1981 flo 57 solution of 3D Euler equations
   - used worldwide; derivatives include NASA's TLNS3D, Lockheed's TEAM code, British Aerospace's codes EJ30, EJ65, Dornier Ikarus code
1983 flo 82 multigrid solution of 2D Euler Equations in 25-50 steps
1985 flo 67 multigrid solution of 3D Euler equations in 25-50 steps
1985 airplane first solution of Euler equations for a complete aircraft (tetrahedral mesh) used by McDonnell Douglas (MD 11), NASA (HSCT), Mitsubishi, EADS (basis of their current software Airplane+)
1988 flo 97, 107 cell-vertex and cell-centered schemes for 3D Navier-Stokes equations
1989 syn 36 airfoil design in transonic potential flow via control theory
1991 uflo 82, 87 dual timestepping scheme for unsteady flow
   - used in Tflo code for Stanford's ASCI project
1993-5 syn 87, 88 wing design by control theory using 3D Euler equations
1997 syn 107 wing design by control theory using 3D Navier-Stokes equations
2001 flo 82-sgs "textbook" multigrid solution of 2D and 3D Euler equations
  flo 88-sgs  3-5 steps with nonlinear symmetric Gauss-Seidel scheme
2003 synplane aerodynamic design of complete aircraft using control theory with tetrahedral mesh
2003 flo-3xx viscous flow solution on arbitrary polyhedral meshes
  syn-3xx aerodynamic design of general configurations in viscous flow on arbitrary meshes


*The names "flo" and "syn" were adopted because fortran names were restricted to 6 characters, and
Jameson wanted to allow for 3 digit numbers.