2004-2005 |
1. Advances in Aerodynamic Shape Optimization ICCFD3 Toronto, Canada, July 14, 2004
2. Efficient Aerodynamic Shape Optimization AIAA/ISSMO Multidisplinary Analysis and Design Conference Albany, NY, September 2004
3. Aerodynamic Shape Optimization for Aircraft Design, 6th World Congress of Computational Mechanics Beijing, China, September 7, 2004 (Keynote)
4. Advances in Aerodynamic Shape Optimization, Joint U.S./China Workshop on Porspectives for Numerical Simulation in Science and Engineering Xian, China, September 10, 2004
5. Inverse Problems in Aerodynamics and Control Theory, International Conference on Control, PDEs & Scienti c Conputing (dedicated to J.L. Lions) Beijing, China, September 13, 2004
6. Advanced Algorithms for CFD, NUS Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Singapore, September 16, 2004
7. Aerodynamic Shape Optimization, NUS Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Singapore, September 17, 2004
8. Solution Algorithms for Vicsous Flow, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore, India, September 20, 2004
9. Efficient Aerodynamic Shape Optimization, 13th Conference on Finite Elements for Flow Problems, Swansea, Wales, April 5, 2005 (Plenary)
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