1 Solution of the Inverse Problem of Linear Optimal Control with Positiveness Conditions and Relation to Sensitivity, Antony Jameson and Elizer Kreindler, June 1971.
2 Bugs, Etc., Antony Jameson, Tullahoma, TN, March 1984.
3 Filtering the Navier Stokes equations with an invertible filter, Antony Jameson, October 5-14, 2003.
4 Gradient Based Optimization Methods, Antony Jameson, June 2005, Reproduced from MAE Technical Report No. 2057, Princeton University, 1995.
5 Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors and Symmetrization of the Magneto-Hydrodynamics (MHD) Equations, Antony Jameson, June 2006, Presented at AFOSR Grantees and Contractors Meeting, August 7, 2006, Atlanta, GA.
6. The Construction of Discretely Conservative Finite Volume Schemes that also Globally Conserve Energy or Entropy, Antony Jameson, ACL Report, 2007-1, January 2007.
7. Direct Numerical Simulation of One-dimensional Viscous Compressible Flow in a Shock Tube Using Entropy and Kinetic Energy Preserving Schemes, Antony Jameson, ACL Report, 2007-2, March 2007.
8. Energy Estimates for Nonlinear Conservation Laws with Applications to Solutions of the Burgers Equation and One-Dimensional Viscous Flow in a Shock Tube by Central Difference Schemes, A. Jameson, ACL Report, 2007-3, 2007.
9. Aerodynamic Shape Optimization of Airfoils in Ultra-Low Reynolds Number Flow using Simultaneous Pseudo-Time Stepping, S. B. Hazra and A. Jameson, ACL Report, 2007-4, 2007.
10. Suppression of Vortex-Induced Forces on a Two-Dimensional Circular Cylinder by a Short and Thin Splitter Plate Interference, A. S. Chan and A. Jameson, ACL Report, 2007-5, December 2007.
11. Suppression of the unsteady vortex wakes of a circular cylinder pair by a doublet-like counter-rotation, A. S. Chan and A. Jameson, ACL Report, 2008-1, March 2008.
12. Development of 2D Spectral Difference Solver for Viscous Compressible Flow Problems on Unstructured Quadrilateral Meshes, C. Liang, S. Premasuthan & A. Jameson, ACL Report no. 2008-2, Stanford University, 03/2008.
13. Development of a 3D Viscous Compressible Flow Solver using Spectral Difference Method on Unstructured Hexahedral Grids, C. Liang, A. Jameson & S. Premasuthan, ACL Report no. 2008-3, Stanford University, 04/2008.
14. High-order accurate simulation of low-Mach laminar flow past two side-by-side cylinders with Spectral Difference method, C. Liang, S. Premasuthan & A. Jameson, ACL Report no. 2008-4, Stanford University, 05/2008.
15. A p-multigrid Spectral Difference method for viscous compressible flow using 2D quadrilateral meshes, S. Premasuthan, C. Liang & A. Jameson, ACL Report no. 2008-5, Stanford University, 05/2008.
16. A Proof of the stability of the spectral difference method for all orders of accuracy, A. Jameson, ACL Report no. 2009-1, Stanford University, March, 2009.
17. Paul Garabedian's Contributions to Transonic Airfoil and Wing Design, A. Jameson, Stanford University, October 13, 2010.
18. Decentralized Control of a String of Vehicles, Part 1, A. Jameson, ACL Report 2011-1, Aeronautics and Astronautics, Stanford University, December, 2011.
19. Decentralized Control of a String of Vehicles, Part 2, A. Jameson, ACL Report 2011-2, Aeronautics and Astronautics, Stanford University, December, 2011.
20. Decentralized Control of a String of Vehicles, Part 3, A. Jameson & K. Ou, ACL Report 2011-3, Aeronautics and Astronautics, Stanford University, December, 2011.
21. Inverse Filtering for Compressible Flows, A. Jameson, ACL Report 2013-1, Aeronautics and Astronautics, Stanford University, September, 2013.