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Aircraft Design Work Outline
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1. Mission weight sizing (Patrick, Ryan)
- Determination of takeoff, empty, and fuel weights using fuel
- Determination of takeoff weight sensitivities to:
- range
- endurance
- lift to drag ratio (L/D)
- specific fuel consumption (sfc)
- empty weight
- payload weight
incorporated in Matlab code:
aero-comlab.stanford.edu/cardinal/weightsizing |
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2. Performance constraint analysis (Patrick, Ryan)
- See A/P Design Part I and Airplane Aerodynamics and
Performance (Roskam and Lan)
- Use the following constraints as applicable to select wing loading
(W/S) and thrust to weight ratio (T/W) or power loading (W/P)
- stall speed
- takeoff and landing ground roll
- carrier compatibility
- climb with all engines operating (AEO) and one engine out (OEI)
- cruise speed
- maximum speed
incorporated in Matlab code for fixed wing
configuration: aero-comlab.stanford.edu/cardinal/performance |
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3. Configuration Selection (Dan, Teal)
- Overall configurations possible - conventional, flying wing,
canard/tandem wing, three surface, joined wing
- Fuselage configurations - conventional, twin fuselage, twin boom with
center fuselage, Burnelli
- Consider propulsion type/installation
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4. Fuselage Layout (Ryan)
- Develop overall fuselage layout in conjunction with configuration
- Layout cargo hold and cabin layout
- Cockpit layout
- verify compliance with visibility requirements
- Preliminary structural layout
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5. Wing Layout and Empennage (Tail) Sizing (Teal and Dan,
Patrick - high lift)
- Wing
- clean wing (pp. 141-166)
- decide on overall structural configuration - high/low/mid, strut
braced or cantilever
- determine span based on geometric constraints
- select sweep, thickness ratio (t/c)
- airfoil selection / design
- select taper ratio
- layout lateral control devices (ailerons, spoilers ?)
- locate spars in conjunction with structures and control surfaces/high
- estimate wing fuel volume
- select/compute wing dihedral, incidence, and twist
- determine maximum clean lift coefficient for wing
- high lift (pp. 167- 186)
- obtain values of maximum takeoff and landing lift coefficients from
performance constraint analysis
- determine incremental values of lift coefficient high lift devices
have to provide
- locate high lift devices on leading/trailing edge to achieve the
incremental lift coefficients needed
- make sure high lift devices and control surfaces on trailing edge do
not conflict
- Empennage (pp. 187 - 216)
- decide on empennage configuration in conjunction with overall
configuration selection
- estimate empennage moment arms from c.g. in conjunction with weight
& balance
- use volume coefficient method to do preliminary sizing of empennage
- determine planform geometry in manner similar to that for the wing -
sweep, taper, thickness, etc.
- layout control surfaces
- design very likely to be iterated during stability & control
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6. Propulsion (Teal, Dan)
- See A/P Design Part II (pp. 123 - 140)
- determine type of powerplant (turbofan, turboprop)
- obtain values of maximum installed power/thrust from performance
- decide on number of engines and find engines which meet power/thrust
- select engine(s) and get geometry, weight, and performance data
- for props/rotors: determine prop/rotor diameter and number of blades
- decide on propulsion installation in conjunction with overall
configuration selection
- check Foreign Object Damage (FOD) and clearance requirements in
conjunction with landing gear layout
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7. Weight & Balance (Angel)
- Class I weight and balance (pp. 237 - 258 of Part II)
- Determine component weights (pp. 3-16 and Appendix of Part V, AAA)
- Balance & c.g. excursion
- Class II weight estimation
- Make Speed-Load Factor (V-n) Diagram to determine airplane loads (pp.
31-45 of Part V)
- Class II weight predictions
- Balance & c.g. excursion
- Moments/Products of inertia
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8. Landing Gear (Angel)
- See A/P Design Part IV and Aircraft Landing Gear Design
- decide on type (fixed or retractable)
- select configuration (tricycle, tail dragger, tandem, etc.)
- use preliminary weight & balance to estimate required gear
- calculate maximum static load per strut
- decide on number and type of wheels to use
- make sure gear can be retracted into assigned volume (note that tires
expand with use)
- layout retraction kinematics
- verify compliance with tipover & clearance requirements, weight
percentage on nose gear
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9. Drag (Jenn)
- See A/P Design Part VI and AA241 course notes
- Parasite Drag
- Wing
- Empennage (h. and v. tail)
- Fuselage
- Nacelle/Pylon
- Trim
- Flap
- Landing Gear
- Induced Drag
- Compressibility
- Drag polar
incorporated in Matlab code for fixed wing
configuration: aero-comlab.stanford.edu/cardinal/performance |
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10. Systems Design (Patrick)
- Flight control system
- Reversible or irreversible ?
- layout of primary controls (elevator, aileron, rudder, spoilers)
- secondary controls (engine, high lift, ??)
- Fuel systems
- Verify that all fuel can be contained in the tank(s)
- Layout of fuel lines, pumps, etc.
- Verify compliance with guidelines in A/P Design Part IV
- Hydraulic systems
- Size hydraulic system - # of independent systems needed, capacity,
- Layout of hydraulic line(s) to various systems (engines, brakes,
flaps, etc.)
- Electrical and avionics systems
- Need for Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) or Ram Air Turbine (RAT) ??
- Size generators based on electrical needs
- Layout of major electrical distribution lines
- Water and waste systems
- Storage tanks for fresh and waste water, etc.
- Anti/De-Icing System
- Conflict Analysis
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11. Stability and Control (Dan, Patrick)
- See A/P Design Part VI, VII and Airplane Flight Dynamics
and Automatic Flight Controls (Roskam)
- Determination of aerodynamic center
- Trim diagrams (will need c.g. excursion from W & B)
- Takeoff rotation analysis
- Longitudinal stability derivatives
- Longitudinal control derivatives
- Lateral-Directional stability derivatives
- Lateral-Directional control derivatives
- OEI control
- Flying/Handling qualities check against FAR/MIL regulations
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12. Performance Analysis (Patrick, Ryan)
- See A/P Design Part VI and Airplane Aerodynamics and
Performance (Roskam and Lan)
- Installed thrust and fuel consumption
- Specific range and verification of range requirements
- Payload-range
- Takeoff and landing distances - verification of design requirements
- Climb & driftdown performance
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13. Cost Analysis (Jenn)
- Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDTE) cost (pp. 21-44 of
Part VIII)
- Manufacturing and acquisition cost (pp. 45-66)
- Operating costs
- Commercial airplanes (pp. 67-144)
- Military airplanes (pp. 145-176)
- Life Cycle Cost (LCC)
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14. Design Iteration and Optimization (Jenn)
- Rewrite Subsystem Codes as functions
- Write Optimization Code--calls all functions in one iteration
- Choose Optimization Algorithm
- Return Optimal Design Point to Subsystems
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