Variable |
Description |
Units |
A |
Regression coefficient for weight
sizing |
- |
a |
Speed of sound |
ft/sec |
A_g_main |
Parameter for landing gear weight
calculation |
- |
A_g_nose |
Parameter for landing gear weight
calculation |
- |
A_inl |
Inlet area |
ft2 |
A_max |
Maximum cross sectional area of
fuselage |
ft2 |
aileron_wing_ratio |
Ratio of aileron area to wing ref.
area |
- |
AR_ht |
Horizontal tail aspect ratio |
- |
AR_vt |
Vertical tail aspect ratio |
- |
AR_wing |
Wing aspect ratio |
- |
B |
Regression coefficient for weight
sizing |
- |
B_g_main |
Parameter for landing gear weight
calculation |
- |
B_g_nose |
Parameter for landing gear weight
calculation |
- |
b_ht |
Horizontal tail span |
ft |
b_vt |
Vertical tail span |
ft |
b_wing |
Wing span |
ft |
C |
Parameter for weight sensitivities |
- |
C_g_main |
Parameter for landing gear weight
calculation |
- |
C_g_nose |
Parameter for landing gear weight
calculation |
- |
c_j_cruise |
Cruise specific fuel consumption
(jet) |
lb/lb/hr |
c_j_loiter |
Loiter specific fuel consumption
(jet) |
lb/lb/hr |
C_L_alpha_h |
Lift curve slope of horizontal tail |
1/rad |
C_L_alpha_wf |
Lift curve slope of wing-fuselage |
1/rad |
c_p_cruise |
Cruise specific fuel consumption
(turboprop) |
lb/hp/hr |
c_p_loiter |
Loiter specific fuel consumption
(turboprop) |
lb/hp/hr |
c_r_ht |
Horizontal tail root chord |
ft |
c_r_vt |
Vertical tail root chord |
ft |
c_r_wing |
Wing root chord |
ft |
c_t_ht |
Horizontal tail tip chord |
ft |
c_t_vt |
Vertical tail tip chord |
ft |
c_t_wing |
Wing tip chord |
ft |
CD |
Drag Coefficient |
- |
CD_L |
Drag coefficient during landing
ground roll |
- |
CD_nozzle_base |
Nozzle base drag coefficient |
- |
CD_oper |
Drag coefficient during cruise |
- |
CD_p |
Parasite drag coefficient |
- |
CD_p_ht |
Horizontal tail parasite drag
coefficient |
- |
CD_p_vt |
Vertical tail parasite drag
coefficient |
- |
CD_p_wing |
Wing parasite drag coefficient |
- |
CD_pi_upsweep |
Fuselage upsweep drag coefficient |
- |
CD_to |
Drag coefficient during takeoff
ground roll |
- |
Cdpmisc |
Markup in CDp for miscellaneous
items |
% |
Cf_fus |
Fuselage skin friction coefficient |
- |
Cf_ht |
Horizontal tail skin friction
coefficient |
- |
Cf_inter |
Markup in Cf due to interference
effects |
% |
Cf_markup |
Markup in Cf due to roughness |
% |
Cf_vt |
Vertical tail skin friction
coefficient |
- |
Cf_wing |
Wing skin friction coefficient |
- |
Cfinterp |
Data for Cf lookup table |
- |
CL |
Lift Coefficient |
- |
CL_ht |
Lift coefficient of the horizontal
tail |
- |
CL_L |
Lift coefficient during landing
ground roll |
- |
CL_max_L |
Maximum lift coefficient in the
landing configuration |
- |
CL_max_to |
Maximum lift coefficient in the
takeoff configuration |
- |
CL_oper |
Lift coefficient during cruise |
- |
CL_to |
Lift coefficient during takeoff
ground roll |
- |
CLover |
Data for comp. drag lookup table |
- |
commercial |
= 1 to make calculations for
commercial version |
- |
comp_wts |
Component weights for Class I
W&B |
lb |
composite |
Factor to account for use of
composite structure |
- |
D |
Parameter for weight sensitivities |
D_exit |
Exit diameter of engine |
ft |
D_g_main |
Parameter for landing gear weight
calculation |
- |
D_g_nose |
Parameter for landing gear weight
calculation |
- |
D_p |
Propeller diameter |
ft |
Deff |
Effective diameter of fuselage |
ft |
deltaCD_c |
Increment in drag coeff. due to
compressibility |
- |
deltaCDc |
Data for comp. drag curve fit data |
- |
deltax_wing |
Distance from start of fuselage
constant cross section to wing leading edge |
ft |
deps_h_da |
Downwash gradient at horizontal tail |
- |
drag |
Drag force |
lb |
e |
Span efficiency factor for wing |
- |
e_inviscid |
Inviscid span efficiency factor for
wing |
- |
E_loiter |
Loiter time |
hr |
eht |
Span efficiency factor for h. tail |
- |
eht_inviscid |
Inviscid span efficiency factor for
h. tail |
- |
emptyweightsensitivity |
Sensitivity of takeoff weight to
empty weight |
- |
epsilon |
Tolerance for iteration convergence |
- |
F |
Parameter for weight sensitivities |
- |
f_fus |
Equivalent parasite area for
fuselage |
ft2 |
f_gaps_ht |
Additional f_vt due to gap drag |
ft2 |
f_gaps_vt |
Additional f_ht due to gap drag |
ft2 |
f_gaps_wing |
Increment to f_wing for gap drag |
ft2 |
f_ht |
Equivalent parasite area for
horizontal tail |
ft2 |
f_markdown |
Markdown in f due to compressibility |
% |
f_total |
Total parasite drag area |
- |
f_vt |
Equivalent parasite area for
vertical tail |
ft2 |
f_wing |
Equivalent parasite area for wing |
ft2 |
fineness |
Fineness ratio of fuselage |
- |
fuelflow_TO |
Takeoff fuel flow |
lb/sec |
g |
gravitational acceleration |
ft/sec2 |
gamma |
Ratio of specific heats |
- |
h |
Altitude |
ft |
h_max |
Maximum height of fuselage |
ft |
hl |
h/l at 75% of tail length (see AA241
course notes) |
- |
i |
Matrix index |
- |
iter |
Number of iterations |
- |
K |
Factor for lift dependent viscous
drag |
- |
K_api |
Factor for api weight calculations |
- |
K_apu |
Factor for APU weight calculation |
- |
K_bc |
Factor for baggage handling equip
weight |
- |
K_buf |
Factor for buffet weight calculation |
- |
K_fc |
Factor for flight control weight
calculation |
- |
K_fsp |
Fuel density (lb/gal) |
lb/gal |
K_fus |
Form factor for fuselage |
- |
K_fus |
Factor for fuselage weight
calculation |
- |
K_g_r |
Factor for landing gear location |
- |
K_h |
Factor for h. tail weight
calculation |
- |
K_ht |
Form factor for horizontal tail |
- |
K_hydr |
Factor for hydraulics weight
calculation |
- |
K_inl |
Factor for inlet location |
- |
K_lav |
Factor for lavatory weight
calculation |
- |
K_prop_1 |
Factor for calculation of propeller
weight |
lb |
K_pt |
Factor for calculation of paint
weight |
- |
K_v |
Factor for v. tail weight
calculation |
- |
K_vt |
Form factor for vertical tail |
- |
K_wing |
Form factor for wing |
- |
L |
Fuselage length |
ft |
l_h |
Distance from wing a.c. to h. tail
a.c. |
ft |
l_n |
Nacelle length from inlet lip to
compressor face |
ft |
l_pax |
Length of passenger cabin |
ft |
l_s_m |
Shock strut length for main gear |
ft |
l_v |
Distance from wing a.c. to v. tail
a.c. |
ft |
landing |
Landing ground roll matrix for
plotting results |
ft |
LD_app |
Lift to drag ratio in approach
configuration |
- |
LD_cruise |
Cruise lift to drag ratio |
- |
LD_loiter |
Loiter lift to drag ratio |
- |
LD_oper |
Lift to drag ratio during cruise |
- |
Ldsensitivity |
Sensitivity of takeoff weight to
lift to drag ratio |
lb |
lift |
Lift force |
lb |
M |
Mach number |
- |
M_ff |
Mission fuel fraction |
- |
M_h |
Maximum Mach number at sea level |
- |
m_tfo |
Mass of trapped fuel and oil (as %
of W_to) |
% |
mac_ht |
Horizontal tail mean aerodynamic
chord |
ft |
mac_vt |
Vertical tail mean aerodynamic chord |
ft |
mac_wing |
Wing mean aerodynamic chord |
ft |
Mcc |
Crest critical Mach number for the
wing |
- |
Mdiv |
Drag divergence Mach number |
- |
mgc_wing |
Wing mean geometric chord |
ft |
Minfperp |
Data for comp. drag lookup table |
- |
Mperp |
Wing perpendicular Mach number |
- |
Mratio |
Data for comp. drag curve fit data |
- |
mu |
Coefficient of viscosity |
?? |
mu_brake |
Braking friction coefficient |
- |
mu_fric |
Ground friction coefficient |
- |
n |
Matrix index |
- |
N_bl |
Number of blades per propeller |
- |
N_cc |
Number of cabin crew |
- |
N_cr |
Number of crew members |
- |
N_e |
Number of engines |
- |
N_fdc |
Number of flight deck crew |
- |
N_inl |
Number of inlets |
- |
N_p |
Number of propellers |
- |
n_p_cruise |
Cruie propeller efficiency |
- |
n_p_loiter |
Loiter propeller efficiency |
- |
N_pax |
Number of passengers |
- |
N_pax_mil |
Number of military passengers |
- |
N_pil |
Number of pilots |
- |
N_t |
Number of separate fuel tanks |
- |
n_ult |
Ultimate load factor |
g's |
n_ult_L |
Ultimate load factor for landing |
g's |
N_vt |
Number of vertical tails |
- |
needtoiterate |
= 1 if iteration needs to continue |
- |
numbcomps |
# of components in Class II weight
breakdown |
- |
P_c |
Design ultimate cabin pressure |
psi |
P_to |
Takeoff power |
hp |
P2 |
Maximum static pressure at
compressor face |
psi |
payload |
Matrix of tfo, crew, fuel, and
payload weights and c.g. locations |
lb, ft, ft, ft |
payloadsensitivity |
Sensitivity of takeoff weight to
payload weight |
- |
propeffsensitivity |
Sensitivity of takeoff weight to
cruise prop efficiency |
lb |
qbar_D |
Design dive dynamic pressure in psf |
psf |
R |
Gas constant |
?? |
R_cruise |
Cruise range |
nm |
R_design |
Design range |
nm |
r_fus |
Fuselage radius |
ft |
rangesensitivity |
Sensitivity of takeoff weight to
range |
lb/nm |
Re_fus |
Fuselage Reynolds number |
- |
Re_ht |
Horizontal tail Reynolds number |
- |
Re_vt |
Vertical tail Reynolds number |
- |
Re_wing |
Wing Reynolds number |
- |
Reyn |
Data for Cf lookup table |
- |
rho |
Air density |
slugs/ft3 |
rho_o |
Reference density |
slugs/ft3 |
s |
Interference factor between fuselage
and wing |
- |
S_aileron |
Aileron area |
ft2 |
S_fgs |
Fuselage gross shell area |
ft2 |
S_ref |
Wing reference area |
ft2 |
S_rudder |
Rudder area |
ft2 |
S_wet_ht |
Horizontal tail wetted area |
ft2 |
S_wet_vt |
Vertical tail wetted area |
ft2 |
S_wet_wing |
Wing wetted area |
ft2 |
S_wing_exposed |
Exposed reference area of the wing |
ft2 |
sfcsensitivity |
Sensitivity of takeoff weight to sfc |
hp-hr [turboprop] |
sg_l |
Matrix for integration of landing
distance |
ft |
sg_to |
Matrix for integration of takeoff
distance |
ft |
sht |
Interference factor between fuselage
and h. tail |
- |
Sht_ref |
Horizontal tail reference area |
ft2 |
SM |
Static margin |
% |
stepsize |
Step size used in numerical
integration |
- |
sumpayload |
Summation of columns in payload
matrix |
lb, ft, ft, ft |
sumweights |
Summation of columns in weights
matrix |
lb, ft, ft, ft |
Svt_ref |
Vertical tail reference area |
ft2 |
sweep_ht |
Horizontal tail quarter chord sweep
angle |
deg |
sweep_ht_50c |
H. tail semi chord sweep angle |
deg |
sweep_vt |
Vertical tail quarter chord sweep
angle |
deg |
sweep_vt_50c |
Vertical tail semi chord sweep angle |
deg |
sweep_wing |
Wing quarter-chord sweep angle |
deg |
sweep_wing_50c |
Wing semi chord sweep angle |
deg |
Swet_fuselage |
Fuselage wetted area |
ft2 |
Swet_total |
Total airplane wetted area |
- |
T |
Thrust force |
lb |
T_o |
Reference temperature |
R |
t_r_ht |
H. tail root thickness |
ft |
t_r_vt |
V. tail root thickness |
ft |
t_r_wing |
Wing root thickness |
ft |
T_to |
Takeoff installed static thrust |
lb |
t1,t2,t3 |
Figure titles |
- |
takeoffdist |
Takeoff ground roll matrix for
plotting results |
ft |
taper_ht |
Horizontal tail taper ratio |
- |
taper_vt |
Vertical tail taper ratio |
- |
taper_wing |
Wing taper ratio |
- |
tau_wing |
Ratio of tip thickness ratio to root
thickness ratio |
- |
tc_avg_ht |
Horizontal tail average thickness to
chord ratio |
- |
tc_avg_vt |
Vertical tail average thickness to
chord ratio |
- |
tc_avg_wing |
Wing average thickness to chord
ratio |
- |
tc_max_wing |
Wing maximum thickness to chord
ratio |
- |
tcperp |
Data for comp. drag lookup table |
- |
theta |
Temperature ratio |
- |
thrustweight |
T/W matrix for plotting results |
- |
tiltwing |
= 1 to make calculations for
tiltwing version |
- |
trans |
Data for Cf lookup table |
- |
TW |
Takeoff thrust to weight ratio |
- |
u |
Factor used to calculate e_inviscid |
- |
v |
Velocity matrix (used for internal
calculations) |
ft/sec |
V |
Speed |
knots |
V_C |
Design cruise speed in keas |
keas |
V_cruise |
Cruise speed |
knots |
V_D |
Design dive speed in keas |
keas |
V_h |
Maximum level speed at sea level in
keas |
keas |
V_lo |
Liftoff speed |
ft/sec |
V_loiter |
Loiter speed |
knots |
V_pax |
Volume of passenger cabin |
ft3 |
V_pr |
Pressurized volume |
ft3 |
V_td |
Touchdown speed |
ft/sec |
Vs_L |
Stall speed in landing configuration |
ft/sec |
Vs_to |
Stall speed in the takeoff
configuration |
ft/sec |
Vwf |
Wing fuel volume |
ft3 |
W |
Weight |
lb |
W_api |
Average weight of api method |
lb |
W_api_GD |
Weight of api from GD method |
lb |
W_api_GD_mil |
Weight of api from GD military
method |
lb |
W_api_Tor |
Weight of api from Tor method |
lb |
W_apu |
Weight of APU |
lb |
W_aux |
Weight of auxiliary gear |
lb |
W_bc |
Weight of baggage handling equipment |
lb |
W_crew |
Crew weight |
lb |
W_e |
Empty weight |
lb |
W_e_allowable |
Allowable empty weight from
regression coefficients |
lb |
W_e_ClassII |
Class II empty weight |
lb |
W_e_tentative |
Initialized weight value to start
weight sizing |
lb |
W_ec |
Weight of engine controls |
lb |
W_els |
Average weight of electrical system |
lb |
W_els_GD |
Weight of electrical system from GD
method |
lb |
W_els_Tor |
Weight of electrical system from Tor
method |
lb |
W_eng |
Weight of all engines |
lb |
W_eng_single |
Weight of one engine |
lb |
W_ess |
Weight of engine starter |
lb |
W_fc |
Average flight control weight |
lb |
W_fc_GD_ct |
Flight control weight from GD method |
lb |
W_fc_GD_mil |
Flight control weight from GD
military method |
lb |
W_fc_Tor_ct |
Flight control weight from Tor
method |
lb |
W_fs |
Weight of fuel system |
lb |
W_fuel |
Fuel weight |
lb |
W_fur_comm |
Weight of furnishings for commercial
version |
lb |
W_fur_GD |
Weight of furnishings from GD method |
lb |
W_fur_GD_mil |
Weight of furnishings from GD mil
method |
lb |
W_fur_mil |
Weight of furnishings for military
version |
lb |
W_fur_Tor |
Weight of furnishings from Tor
method |
lb |
W_fus |
Average fuselage weight |
lb |
W_fus_GD |
Fuselage weight from GD method |
lb |
W_fus_Tor |
Fuselage weight from Torenbeek
method |
lb |
W_fus_USAF |
Fuselage weight from USAF method |
lb |
W_fus_USN |
Fuselage weight from USN method |
lb |
W_gear |
Average landing gear weight |
lb |
W_gear_GD |
Landing gear weight from GD method |
lb |
W_gear_main |
Main gear weight |
lb |
W_gear_nose |
Nose gear weight |
lb |
W_gear_Tor |
Landing gear weight from Torenbeek
method |
lb |
W_gear_Tor_main |
Main gear weight from Torenbeek
method |
lb |
W_gear_Tor_nose |
Nose gear weight from Torenbeek
method |
lb |
W_gear_USAF |
Landing gear weight from USAF method |
lb |
W_gear_USN |
Landing gear weight from USN method |
lb |
W_guess |
Initial weight guess for weight
sizing |
lb |
W_ht |
Average H. tail weight |
lb |
W_ht_GD |
H. tail weight from GD method |
lb |
W_ht_Tor |
H. tail weight from Torenbeek method |
lb |
W_ht_USAF |
H. tail weight from USAF method |
lb |
W_hydr |
Weight of hydraulic system |
lb |
W_iae |
Average weight of iae |
lb |
W_iae_GD |
Weight of iae from GD method |
lb |
W_iae_Tor |
Weight of iae from Tor method |
lb |
W_L |
Landing weight |
lb |
w_max |
Maximum width of fuselage |
ft |
w_max |
Fuselage maximum width |
ft |
Maximum zero fuel weight |
lb |
W_nac |
Average nacelle weight |
lb |
W_nac_GD |
Nacelle weight from GD method |
lb |
W_nac_Tor |
Nacelle weight from Torenbeek method |
lb |
W_oe |
Operating empty weight |
lb |
W_oe_tentative |
Tentative operating empty weight for
weight sizing |
lb |
W_osc |
Weight of cooling fluids |
lb |
W_ox |
Average weight of oxygen system |
lb |
W_ox_GD |
Weight of oxygen system from GD
method |
lb |
W_ox_Tor |
Weight of oxygen system from Tor
method |
lb |
W_p |
Average weight of propulsion
controls |
lb |
W_p_GD |
Weight of propulsion controls from
GD method |
lb |
W_p_Tor |
Weight of propulsion controls from
Tor method |
lb |
W_payload |
Payload weight |
lb |
W_prop |
Propeller weight |
lb |
W_pt |
Weight of paint |
lb |
W_tfo |
Weight of trapped fuel and oil |
lb |
W_to |
Takeoff weight |
lb |
W_to_ClassII |
Class II takeoff weight |
- |
W_to_old |
Takeoff weight from previous weight
iteration |
lb |
W_vt |
Average V. tail weight |
lb |
W_vt_GD |
V. tail weight from GD method |
lb |
W_vt_Tor |
V. tail weight from Torenbeek method |
lb |
W_vt_USAF |
V. tail weight from USAF method |
lb |
W_w |
Average wing weight |
lb |
W_w_GD |
Wing weight from GD method |
lb |
W_w_Tor |
Wing weight from Torenbeek method |
lb |
W_w_USAF |
Wing weight from USAF method |
lb |
weights |
Class II weights and c.g. locations |
lb, ft, ft, ft |
wf_climb |
Weight fraction for climb segment |
- |
wf_cruise |
Weight fraction for cruise segment |
- |
wf_descent |
Weight fraction for descent segment |
- |
wf_landtaxi |
Weight fraction for land/taxi
segment |
- |
wf_loiter |
Weight fraction for loiter segment |
- |
wf_takeoff |
Weight fraction for takeoff segment |
- |
wf_taxi |
Weight fraction for taxi segment |
- |
wf_warmup |
Weight fraction for warmup segment |
- |
wingload |
Wing loading matrix for plotting
results |
lb/ft2 |
WS |
Takeoff Wing Loading |
lb/ft2 |
x_ac_A |
x-location of airplane aerodynamic
center |
ft |
x_ac_h |
x-location of h. tail aerodynamic
center |
ft |
x_ac_wf |
x-location of wing-fuselage
aerodynamic center |
ft |
x_cg_comp |
x-cg locations for Class I W&B |
ft |
x_cg_crew |
x-cg location for crew |
ft |
x_cg_empty |
x-cg location for empty airplane |
ft |
x_cg_fuel |
x-cg location for fuel |
ft |
x_cg_payload |
x-cg location for payload |
ft |
x_cg_takeoff |
x-cg location at takeoff weight |
ft |
x_cg_tfo |
x-cg location for trapped fuel and
oil |
ft |
xtc_fus |
Transition location for fuselage |
- |
xtc_ht |
Transition location for horizontal
tail |
- |
xtc_vt |
Transition location for Vertical
tail |
- |
xtc_wing |
Transition location for wing |
- |
y_cg_empty |
y-location of empty weight c.g. |
ft |
z_cg_empty |
z-location of empty weight c.g. |
ft |
z_h |
Dist from v. tail root to where h.
tail is mounted on v. tail |
ft |