Massimiliano Fatica
I am now with ClearSpeed, as
Senior Solutions Architect.
New contact info:
Clearspeed Technology
20 N. Santa Cruz Ave., Suite C
Los Gatos , CA 95030 USA
Tel. (408) 395-3850
Fax. (408) 395-7045
( I am still reading the old email address, the new one is spam free and I am not going to post it on the web..... )
I am a senior research associate with a joint appointment at
Center for Turbulence Research
Center for Integrated Turbulence Simulations
I am also responsible for the computational environment of these two centers.
I am one of the instructor of CS238 (Numerical methods on parallel machines).
My current work is on the Stanford Streaming Supercomputer project.
- High performance computing
- Large Eddy Simulation
- Dr. Ing., Aeronautical Engineering,
degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza", 1991.
- Ph. D., Theoretical and Applied Mechanics,
degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza", 1995.
- Unix guru (Irix, Linux , MacOSX and in the past AIX, Digital Unix, Nexstep
and Solaris)
- Fortran77 and 90, MPI, PVM and OpenMP. I can also hack C,C++,
- I don't do Windows (yes, it is a skill!!!)
Recent Talks :
Selected Publications:
- R. Verzicco, M. Fatica, G. Iaccarino and P. Orlandi
Flow in an Impeller-Stirred Tank Using an Immersed-Boundary Method.
AIChE Journal, June 2004 , Vol. 50, No. 6.
- A. Jameson and M. Fatica
Using Computational Fluid Dynamics for Aerodynamics.
White paper, National Research Council Workshop
on "The Future of Supercomputing", Santa Fe, NM, September 24-25 2003.
- M. Fatica, A. Jameson and J. J. Alonso
StreamFLO: an Euler Solver for Streaming Architectures.
AIAA Paper 2004-1090, 42nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting
and Exhibit Conference, Reno, January 2004.
- W. C. Reynolds, J. J. Alonso, M. Fatica
Aircraft Gas Turbine Engine Simulation.
16th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, Orlando, FL, June 23-26, 2003.
- R. Verzicco, M. Fatica, G. Iaccarino, P. Moin and B. Khalighi
Large Eddy Simulation of a Road Vehicle with Drag Reduction Devices.
AIAA Journal vol.4 Num. 12 , pp. 2447--2455, (2002).
- W. C. Reynolds, M. Fatica
Stanford Center for Integrated Turbulence Simulations.
Computing in Science and Engineering vol.1 Num. 2 , pp. 22--31, (2000).
- H-J. Kaltenbach, M. Fatica, R. Mittal, T.S. Lund and P. Moin
Study of flow in a planar asymmetric diffuser using large-eddy simulation .
Journal of Fluid Mechanics vol. 390, pp. 151--187, (1999).
- P. Orlandi, M. Fatica
PCH05: Rotating Turbulent Pipe Flow Simulation
A selection of Test Case for the Validation of Large-Eddy Simulations of
Turbulent Flows
AGARD Advisory Report 345, April 1998.
- P. Orlandi, M. Fatica
Direct simulations of a turbulent pipe rotating along the axis .
Journal of Fluid Mechanics vol. 343, pp. 43--72, (1997).
- Scotti A, Meneveau C. and Fatica M.
Dynamic Smagorinsky model on anisotropic grid.
Physics of Fluids vol 9(#6),pp. 1856-1858 (1997)
- Verzicco R., Iafrati A., Riccardi G. and Fatica M.
Analysis of the sound generated by the pairing of two axisymmetrical
co-rotating vortex rings.
Journal of Sound and Vibration vol. 200 (#3), pp. 347-358 (1997)
- M. Briscolini, M. Fatica
Direct numerical simulations of turbulent pipe flow via a portable
message-passing code.
Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics: Algorithms and
Results Using Advanced Computers,
ed. Schiano, Ecer, Periaux and Satofuka,
Elsevier Science (1997)
- M. Fatica, P. Orlandi & R. Verzicco
Direct and Large Eddy Simulations of Round Jets
Direct and Large Eddy Simulation I
ed. Voke, Kleiser and Chollet, Kluwer Academic Publisher (1995)