Symposium in honor of Antony Jameson's 80th Birthday
"Mathematics, Computing & Design - Where Analysis and Creativity Combine"
Event Sponsored by The Boeing Company
Date: November 20-21, 2014
Time: 8:00am-5:30pm on 11/20 and 8:00am-Noon on 11/21
Location: Black Community Services Center, Henry and Monique Brandon Family Community Room
Support and additional sponsorship provided by the Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering at Stanford University.
Speaker List
Fariba Fahroo, AFOSR / DARPA
Computational Math and Antony Jameson: A Perspective from AFOSR
Peter Vincent, Imperial College, London
PyFR: Heterogeneous Computing from a Homogeneous Codebase
Olaf Brodersen, DLR, Germany
Digital-X: Towards Virtual Aircraft Design and Testing based on High Fidelity Methods -- Recent Development Activities at DLR
Sigal Gottlieb, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth
Strong Stability Preserving Time Discretizations
Wei Shyy, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Computing & Design for Problems with Moving Boundaries and Structural/Topological Variations
Robert Gregg, Boeing
CFD and Aircraft Design
Manuel Lopez Morales / Kartikey Asthana, Stanford University
Non-linear stabilization of high-order Flux Reconstruction schemes via Fourier-spectral filtering
Eli Turkel, Tel Aviv University
Fast preconditioned solution of Navier-Stokes equations for compressible flows with physics
Roger Blandford, Stanford University
Knots, Tangles and Magnetoluminescence
Paul Bevilaqua, Skunk Works, Lockheed-Martin (Retired)
Understanding Jet Drag through Computational Physics: Lift Jet Induced Suckdown
Per-Olof Persson, University of California, Berkeley
High-Order Methods for Turbulent Flow Simulations on Deforming Domains
Rainald Löhner, George Mason University
Algorithm Design for Exaflop Machines
Antony Jameson @80: What Can We Learn?
Mark Page, DZYNE Technologies
Theory of Design – P3 – Pattern/Purpose/Proportion
Krzysztof Fidkowski, University of Michigan
New Directions in High-Order Adaptive Methods for Computational Fluid Dynamics
Niles Pierce, California Institute of Technology
Engineering Programmable Molecular Instruments
Francisco Palacios, Stanford University
Aerodynamic Shape Design: The Continuous Adjoint Strikes Back
Chi-Wang Shu, Brown University
Positivity-preserving high order schemes for convection dominated equations
Carsten Othmer, Volkswagen
The adjoint method hits the road: Applications in car aerodynamics
Chunlei Liang, George Washington University
High-order Spectral Difference Method for Rotary Wing Aerodynamics, and Thermal Convection in the Sun
Kevin Bowcutt, Boeing
Tackling the Extreme Challenges of Air-Breathing Hypersonic Vehicle Design, Technology, and Flight
Please direct any question or comment to: aj80th@gmail.com